Cleansing the Temple

by Jane And Mark Lewis
Potted JAM
Copyright © 2012 Jane And Mark Lewis. Email:



Mark was preaching on 2 Chronicles 29 and Hezekiah's reformation - the cleansing of the Temple and the re-introduction of Temple worship into the life of Judah. As the context was an all-age service we thought about how we could get the story of the cleansing of the Temple across and struck on the idea of performing it as if it was a TV makeover show with a guest designer.  Pastiche was born - as a mash-up of a whole load of flamboyant designer/PR-types from various TV and film sources.  The sketch was first performed the Sunday after the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Summer Olympics - hence topical reference at the end of the sketch.

(You can hear the original performance approximately 10 minutes into this audio file of the sermon).



  • Zechariah - a Levite who is acting as liaison between the Royal Palace and the Temple staff
  • Pastiche - A flamboyant interior designer


Pastiche and Zechariah start to one side of the stage when they meet and move centre-stage to inspect the "temple".  They are peering through the "doors" into the gloom beyond - i.e. where the congregation/audience is is the interior of the temple.


Zechariah:    Hi there, I'm Zechariah – Royal Temple Liasion, you must be…
Pastiche darling. Pastiche. But everyone calls me Pasti.
Er OK. Nice to meet you … Pasti. You can call me Zak. You are our royal…
Interior designer darling. Yes that's right.  Apparently you've got quite a big job for me. I do love a challenge darling. Show me.  Show me. Come along I haven't got all day.
Right yes of course this way. Well it is a big job … the temple. Now, we've managed to get the doors open….
Marvellous look at the wood.  Look at the height – they are gorgeous. Darling I love these doors.  These doors must stay….
Well yes we'd rather hoped they would – it gets a bit draughty otherwise… it was more the interior …
Of course darling, of course. I am after all an interior designer – let's have a look
Sorry it's bit dark – hopefully you can see - we haven't got the lights working again yet. Ahaz refused to pay the bill. So they got cut off.
What did?
The wicks in the oil lamps. Cut-off. We can't get them re-lit.
Dear me, darling. [peers in] I see – Its full of junk. Dear me this is all going to have to go – we'll have to clear all of this out. All of it.  Awful.  I mean look at that idol over there – so last year darling.
Yes we do need to clear it out and then….
And then darling _ I can see it now. Here's the thing. The thing is we will have a wonderful space to fill with …. With white. Yes white. It's the new black darling.  Everything must be white.  Minimalist.  Bright.  It will make a statement darling.
Yes I believe King Hezekiah was hoping it would be a bit more back to how it used to be – you know before.
Back? Back darling? No not back. I never look back darling. It distracts from the now!
Ah.  Let me see…..[pauses, inspiration strikes].  Well perhaps we should go for, you know, a more retro feel.
Of course. Retro. I love it.  Yes we can do the whole retro thing. Gold on the walls. With some lovely little, gorgeous gold, gorgeous things oh yes I love it.
 That's it exactly- we'll need the old temple equip…er…objets to really complete that retro temple look and er…we'll need them for the sacrifices.
 Sacrifices darling? What sacrifices? Apart from my sacrifice for my art obviously.
Well you know the sacrifices – we'll need to dedicate the temple and consecrate the temples arti….objets.  er…by splashing them with blood!
Blood darling? Blood?  On my nice new retro temple gold.. I don’t think so….
But we really need the sacrifices ...
No wait darling. Wait. [pause]. Of course! Red. Red and Gold. Totally. Yes that could work.
Zechariah:    So that's all good then ...
Pastiche:    OK darling now have you thought about the Opening Ceremony. I think we should invite all the other nations and I have this vision of doves,  not real doves but people dressed as doves….
Zechariah:    [gently directing Pastiche off-stage] Actually we already have somebody in mind for the Opening Ceremony - have you heard of O. Danny Boye?

Copyright © 2012 Jane And Mark Lewis. Email:

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