ContentsBackgroundThis sketch is effectively a monologue by Mary and was written to try to illustrate some of the feelings and thoughts she may have had when she received the news that she was to bear a child who would become the Saviour of the World. Another message within the sketch is that God sometimes calls us to do things that require courage and the boldness to speak up.See also Christmas Monologues. Rating![]() ![]() ![]() Characters
StagingNo staging is required for the sketch, though Mary should have one or more costume items to suggest Middle Eastern dress (e.g. headcovering/shawl).ScriptMary: What am I going to say? Right. Mother, Father I’ve got something to tell you. There was this angel you see....oh no that sounds like the start of one of Father’s really bad jokes. And this is no joke. It’s the most serious and amazing thing that could ever happen to me. So it should be easy to tell them. Mother, Father I’ve got some really exciting news how would you like to be grand-parents? Because I’m pregnant. Except I don’t suppose they’ll be excited at all. Their daughter an unmarried mother! “Oh the shame and disgrace” that’s what my Father will say. Mother will cry and wonder where she went wrong. Whose the father they’ll want to know. This is going to be tricky I can tell. There was this angel who appeared to me and told me that I would be visited by the Spirit of the Lord and become pregnant so actually Father I’m having God’s baby. Then he’ll say I was dreaming or that I’m making it up and that it’s Joseph’s (that’s my fiance by the way). Then he’ll be cross with Joseph and Joseph will know it’s not his baby and he’ll be cross with me and never want to see me again. It’s all so complicated. Why me Lord? What am I saying! It’s incredible that God should have chosen me. I’m so ordinary. How can it be possible. What did the Angel say “Nothing is impossible with God.” But God doesn’t have to tell my parents. It’s me. What am I going to say?Father: [offstage] Mary! Mary: That’s my Father he’ll be wondering where I am. The angel made saying yes to God seem so simple, the most obvious thing in the world. Now it seems the most scary. This is going to be so hard for them to accept. How am I going to help them to understand what’s happening? Lord I need you’re help. Doing your will suddenly seems so difficult. Father: [offstage] Mary! Where are you? Mary: Well this is it. Here we go then Lord. I am your servant. May it be to me just as you have said.... And please help Joseph to understand because he’s such a good and kind man.....I’m coming Father. [Exit]
Copyright © 1994, 2001 Jane And Mark Lewis. Email:
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